Logo Explained

The Book of Numbers is the fourth book of the Bible. Chapter 2 of the Book of Numbers describes the arrangement of the Israelite tribal camps. This arrangement evolved following the Israelites exodus from Egypt. This was also prior to the Israelites reaching the “Promised Land.” The Book of Numbers Chapter 2 explains much of the symbolism behind The Levite Line logo.

Before referencing the Book of Numbers though, examine the center of the logo which contains the name of the organization TheLeviteLine.com. Under these words is a wave meant to symbolize the parting of the Red Sea. It was Moses, a Levite, whose rod summoned God’s power which divided the Red Sea, and led the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt.

On this logo, you see that on all four sides of TheLeviteLine phrase appear three diamonds. The colors of these diamonds represent the birthstones that are associated with each tribe. Chapter 2 verse 3 designates Judah the head tribe of the eastern encampment on the right-side of the logo. The tribe of Judah was assigned the northeast section. Issachar was south of Judah, due east. Zebulun on the logo is below Issachar, located on the southeast. The birthstone for the tribe of Judah is red for the Sardius stone. Issachar is a red overlaying a black known as Sardonyx. Zebulun’s stone is a green Emerald.

The southern encampment, represented on the bottom of the logo was known as the camp of Reuben. The camp of Reuben is described in Chapter 2, verses 10-16. Reuben was on the right or southeast, Simeon was due south and Gad, next to Simeon on the southwest. Reuben’s birthstone is a burgundy Camelian, Simeon a blue Sapphire, and Gad is blue Jasper.

Numbers Chapter 2:18-24 describes the western encampment, represented on the left side of the logo, and was known as the camp of Ephraim. Ephraim was in the northwest, Manasseh in the center, due west, with Benjamin covering the southwest. Ephraim’s birthstone is a green Chrysoprase, Manasseh’s is red Jacinth, and Benjamin is a bright pink Amethyst.

To the north, on the top of the logo, are the remaining three tribes. This was known as the camp of Dan. The tribe of Dan was located to the northeast; Asher was due north and Naphtali to the northwest. Dan’s yellow birthstone is known as Chrysolit, Asher’s is a light green Beryl, and Naphtali is green Peridot.

The diamonds and the birthstone colors symbolize the beauty that each distinct tribe represents. The tribes, three on each side enabled the protection necessary for the Levites to be able to focus on serving the God of Israel, without fear of attack. This protection of the Levites can then ensure God’s protection for the people of Israel. This we believe remains God’s plan for the people of Israel.