History, Theology, Ethnicity, Science, Propaganda & Tribalism...

People worldwide are signing up for The Levite Line almost daily 0n Intuit Mail chimp and this is helping to reinvigorate me towards a call from God that has stalled for me, due to a variety of reasons which cover the gamut.  What remains challenging is that the two religions which claim the Bible as their authority, do not seem to support this endeavor.  Certainly both would lose some level of their power if I and other Levites took our God ordained positions.  However, this is God’s will if people believe the Bible/Torah as so many claim to.  However, when the theology of one of these religions has for all intents and purposes cancelled out the 5 Books of Moses (aka the Torah), the foundation of the Bible, this becomes one major hurdle to have to overcome.  Yet, from certain sects of Christianity one can find references to the Old Testament law that are sometimes positive or neutral and not always negative.  For example, on the Liberty Bell, straight out of Leviticus 25:10, references the year of Jubilee, which occurs every 50 years.

What I see is a nearly 3000 year gap, which of course would precede Christianity, which at most is 2000 years old, though actually it is approximately 1700 years since the time that Roman Emperor Constantine declared Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire.  What I understand is that Jews as a people/religion cannot survive on their own.  This should have been obvious a long time ago.  The question then is, with whom can Jews unite in order to thrive?  Obviously, or at least obvious to me, is Israel.  What do you mean say many?  I mean Israel.  As in the “lost tribes of Israel.”  As in the “10 tribes of Israel,” also known as the “House of Joseph,” as well as the “House of Ephraim.”  According to (Jewish) history, these tribes disappeared in or around 722 BCE.  The rabbis, from my understanding, wrote off these tribes, their own people, as they have many Jews over the centuries.  I cannot say that rabbis have told me that I am no longer a Jew, but Jews who subscribe to their theology, have told me so.  However, because I see myself as a Levite, I now agree.  I am no longer a Jew.  Of course they mean that I am not allowed to believe in Yeshua (Jesus) and remain a Jew.  Many think this belief in the Messiah means that I must reject the Torah, as Christianity and Judaism have largely taught for centuries.  I do not agree with this “Christian”nor this “Jewish” belief.  Jesus/Yeshua himself said in Matthew 5:17- “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”  Many Christians claim this means that Jesus fulfilled the Law and therefore the law is done.  Something I also disagree with.  This interpretation has allowed Christians to remain just as they were before they ever heard of Jesus.  And so they have largely remained.  As for Jews, some say I’m no longer a Jew, other Jews will tell me that I cannot cease to be a Jew because my mother was a Jew.  Then comes the great motivator (sarcasm) as some think Hitler would still have considered me a Jew.  Therefore, how dare I abandon this cause?  So the concept of freedom and freedom of choice is completely lost.  The basic choice of A or B, or white or black, Jew or Christian, Reform or Orthodox is barely understood.  However, I have moved beyond such binary and false choices.  I choose between A, B, C, and D and beyond.  I choose parts of any and all religions and spirituality’s.  For example, it is not a binary choice between Judaism and Christianity for me.  There are aspects of Judaism, aspects of Christianity as well as other religions and philosophies that I am open and willing to adopt.  I refuse to close myself off to the actual choices that exist, even if the powers that be make sure to demonize other theologies.  Some will claim in order to keep their own faithful within their system.  It’s important to separate propaganda from truth and to understand that whatever religion/belief system one in brought up in, others are raised in theirs as well.  I choose to accept that as a fact and reality of life.  I also try to approach learning about other faiths without having my mind already made up.

One thing you may notice in what I have written so far is my use of the word “I” as opposed to “we” or “everybody” and other plural words which do not allow for an individual to disagree.  This simple yet significant factor may be the greatest problem in religion (and with other groups).  I have witnessed this in Judaism and see it in Christianity as well.  The call for unity, which is fine except it generally implies, if not means, uniformity, which is not fine.  People should NOT be told what “we” believe.  They should be told, ‘this is what most of us believe.  Thus allowing for individuals to disagree and not feel excluded.  People should also be asked, ‘what do you currently believe?’  That helps people see faith as a journey.  Being in a room with people of different beliefs can be seen as a threat or as a chance to learn.  By "learn" or learning you should also be willing and allowed to learn what you might see as bad, wrong or false.  If you’re fearful that you may agree with aspects of another faith, which may cause your beliefs to change and that you only see that as a negative thing then that is a problem.  If you need IGNORANCE or not knowing as your way to feel safe?  1.  You are NOT safe.  2.  You should not accept ignorance.  You should demand knowledge.  Read the book, see the movie, hear the podcast that you've been told is not OK to read, see or hear.  

This is an important aspect of what The Levite Line stands for.  A break from unquestioned allegiance to leadership.  Education which encourages you to think and decide for yourself is a key.  Freedom to disagree, yet remain within a group is something most, if not all groups needs to help establish.  This reminds me of a question, “Do you support Israel?”  Or even “Do you support America?” or any other country within which one lives.  Actually I support them when I agree with them.  As for Israel, I usually do, for what I follow of what is going on there.  For example, Israel is allowing settlements of mostly Orthodox Jews (with whom I have profound issues), in the West Bank (also known as Judea and Samaria) which was captured during the June, 1967 Six-Day War.  Whether Israel or the surrounding Arab nations struck the first blow in this war, it was clear that the Arab nations plan was to destroy Israel and push the Jews living there into the (Mediterranean) sea.  Therefore Israel had to be ready to attack or retaliate.  This is why and how this land was captured by Israel.  Jews settling in this disputed territory is fine.  When the Palestinians decide they want peace with Israel the issue will be settled.  Numerous Israeli settlements were disbanded in Egypt, forcing thousands of Jews to have to leave the Sinai Peninsula when Israel and Egypt negotiated a peace agreement in 1978.  Israel returned the Sinai to Egypt, disbanded settlements in exchange for peace.

Another example is, I don’t have the scientific knowledge or expertise to challenge and certainly not to reject scientific research on COVID-19.  Yet in the USA people elected a man who thought he knew better, as he disparaged nearly every American agency and institution.  Listening to his gut, rather than to scientific research.  This gut being the same as claiming faith or God’s voice even.  Basically ignorance on an issue requiring education, knowledge, testing, data and analysis.  The huge problem is that such ignorance is often encouraged in too many religious circles.  Not ignored and tolerated, but encouraged.  While knowledge and evidence are dismissed until finally the disease touched people close to them.  Even then, some refused to dismiss conspiracy theories and lies.

The Levite Line is challenging the hegemony of traditional Jewish and Christian beliefs and practices in our lives, where they need to be challenged, reassessed and reformulated.  The Levite Line needs your financial support as well.  In order for the message of the Levite Line to be heard and our Biblical calling to be established a great deal of financial support is necessary.  The divide between the House of Israel and the House of Judah needs to be closed.  This is no great miracle.  This is a basic necessity.  If one looks at the symbol or sign for the tribe of Levi one finds 12 squares or rectangles, 3 x 4.  Very neat and equal.  While each tribe was/is unique and while the role of certain tribes may seemingly or actually be more profound than other tribes.  On another level, as illustrated by the tribal sign for the Levite Line, all are equal.  Yet that 3 x 4 birthstone plate may have 12 geometrically equal shapes, each birthstone is different and symbolic for that particular tribe.  Yet for the Levites, all 12 tribes are their symbol, forcing the Levites to see the broader and bigger picture.