2 Copies: OFF MY CHEST: Letters to the Editor...+

Price: $45.00

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Richard Levik, founder and CEO of The Levite Line and of www.theleviteline.com has written his first book.  This book is
entitled OFF MY CHEST: Letters to the Editor...+    and it contains over 120 letters written by Richard since moving to Los Angeles in 1989 through 2012.  The cover illustrates the main themes of these letters.  Religion is the central theme with words appearing in largest font on the cover being the terms and issues addressed most often in OFF MY CHEST: Letters to the Editor...+. 

Strengthen yourself as well as The Levite Line today.  Strengthen your relationship with God and the Messiah by purchasing one or more books (On this page you can purchase 2 books at a discount from the price of just 1 book.).  The powers that be will not change nor improve through prayer alone.  Protesting does help, however more than protesting is necessary.  Learning and studying is also a very significant component.  As you put all these and more ingredients together to strengthen yourself through truth and not allow yourself to be stifled, the powers that be are impacted.  Things can change.  Look around you, things are changing drastically and significantly.  Whether these changes are for the better, you decide.  I know the old ways and this system does not work, except for a few elite.  I do not idolize these people as they assume I do, as they insist I must.  My respect and I hope yours too, has to be earned, not bullied.

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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 27 May, 2013.